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- Heather Atkinson
Reckoning Page 3
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Page 3
Annie, the gentle woman he’d hired to care for the boys, entered the room with a pile of fresh laundry, the scent of clean linen filling the air.
“They’re good boys, aren’t they?” she smiled. “Never any trouble.”
Mikey looked to Alex, a shiver running down his spine to see the boy was still staring at him. There was a knowing in those dark Maguire eyes that seemed out of place in a child so young. He had the disconcerting feeling it was Alex himself, reborn. “Do you think Alex is a bit too quiet?” he asked Annie.
“Every child’s different. He may be quiet but he’s a clever little boy, he takes everything in.”
“He keeps staring at me.”
“He’s curious, that’s all. Babies like to imprint on the faces around them, it helps them recognise those closest to them.”
“But he does it all the time. He’s doing it now.”
Annie glanced at the child in his cot and smiled. “He likes you.”
Mikey seriously doubted that. Annie didn’t seem concerned so maybe he was just being paranoid.
“It’s time for their feed, do you want to help?” she said.
“I’ll feed Daniel,” he said quickly.
Hayden Brody waited downstairs for Mikey, feeling distinctly uncomfortable. He’d only been working for the Maguires for ten days and was starting to wish he’d stuck to his contract killing, that had been nice and simple. He’d been in on the operation to snatch the twins from their mother and it wasn’t sitting well with him, in fact he was in torment. He’d been having bad dreams and was filled with a horrible guilt. He hadn’t been the one to actually take the children or kill the mother, that had been Mark Cameron, Mikey’s hitman and bodyguard, but he’d played his part too. When he’d agreed to work for Mikey and Jez for an admittedly generous fee he hadn’t envisioned that one of his first duties would be so low. He’d been working freelance as a contract killer for years, ever since he’d left the army and his conscience hadn’t been troubled once about exterminating lowlifes for a hefty wedge, but this was different. Killing a defenceless woman and snatching her babies was definitely a no-no for him. But what could he do about it? Both the twins’ parents were gone. Mikey was all they had left.
Mikey appeared carrying one of the boys, Hayden wasn’t sure which one, they were too identical for him to tell apart. Annie followed with the second boy and Hayden hastily averted his gaze so they wouldn’t see his wince of guilt.
“We’re taking the boys out into the garden,” said Mikey.
Hayden just nodded. He had to give Mikey his due, he treated them very well, they lacked for nothing, but could that make up for the absence of a mother’s love? Hayden knew all about that, his own mother had abandoned him and his dad when he was nine years old and the pain had never gone away. He hated to think of these two boys growing up feeling that way, but what choice was there? Their parents were gone and this was Mikey Maguire, the most powerful man in the north of England. But if he didn’t do something Hayden knew the guilt would eat him alive.
“Hey, you beat me again,” said Riley.
Beth popped her head into the living room and smiled at the sight of Riley sat cross-legged in front of the television with Alfie and Archie playing on the games console. Holly was sat with him, giggling and clapping. Beth released a long, slow sigh of contentment, these past few days had been bliss. Riley had taken them all swimming, to the park, the zoo, the soft play and the cinema. When the kids were tucked up in bed, exhausted after a busy day, he’d made long, slow, sweet love to her, making her body sing in a way it never had before. The best part of all was that Archie hadn’t had a tantrum once. Ever since he was exposed to his father’s insanity - during which he’d heard Alex killing Beth’s lover Nick Jordan and torturing and beating Rachel as well as witnessing him actually trying to rape Rachel - his behaviour had been appalling, his father’s depravity scarring him for life. But Riley’s presence had worked wonders. He had an air of authority about him that was impossible to ignore but, unlike Alex, he used it gently with no shouting or swearing. Once or twice Archie had appeared to be on the verge of launching into a violent screaming fit when he hadn’t got his own way but one look from Riley had been enough for him to think twice and Beth was actually enjoying being around her younger son again.
“Let’s have another game,” exclaimed the boys, in high states of excitement while Holly eagerly clapped her hands.
“You guys go ahead, I need to have a stretch and a drink,” said Riley, uncurling himself off the floor and getting to his feet. As he raised his arms above his head in a huge stretch Beth took the opportunity to admire his stunning physique, his t-shirt riding up slightly to give her a glimpse of the scars on his stomach, the majority of which had been put there by Jasper White, Jules’s dead ex-boyfriend who had not only tried to kill Riley but had murdered his pregnant fiancée. Dane had killed Jasper for his sins and it had taken Riley a long time to get over his loss. Beth was his first relationship since that awful event.
“Brew?” she said.
“Please,” he replied, wandering into the kitchen after her. “Give us a cuddle,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist as she filled the kettle.
Beth switched on the kettle then turned in his arms to face him. Riley was almost the double of Ryan, who was his older half-brother, but she saw past that. They were two completely different men and best of all, Riley was completely legitimate and had never been involved in the gangster lifestyle. However his profession was still dangerous - he was a soldier in the SAS but he had already handed in his resignation and had less than a year to serve, but he had to return to his unit in two days. Beth was terrified that something would happen to him that would stop them from living the life together that they’d planned, the life she had the feeling would be so amazing.
He ran his fingers through her blond hair and kissed her. “These last few days have been incredible.”
“They have, haven’t they?”
“I really don’t want to go back but I have to.”
“It’s okay, I understand. Just make sure you keep yourself safe, I couldn’t stand to lose you now.”
“You won’t, I’ll make sure of it. It feels like everything I’ve ever wanted is finally coming together. I love you Beth.”
“Love you too.”
“Yes, I won,” called a voice from the front room.
Beth and Riley looked at each other. “Oh oh,” said Beth. That voice had been Alfie, which meant Archie had lost and he didn’t take very well to losing anymore.
“That’s not fair, you cheated,” Archie yelled back as Beth hurried into the front room.
“Archie, stop,” she cried when he hurled the remote control at the television. Fortunately he missed and it hit the wall instead.
“He always cheats, I hate him,” yelled the little boy, pointing at his older brother.
“I didn’t cheat Mum,” said Alfie, looking stricken.
“It’s okay Sweetheart, take your sister into the kitchen for some snack,” she said, wanting to get her children away before Archie completely erupted. He could become physically aggressive when angry.
Alfie took Holly’s hand and led her away. Beth’s heart broke when she saw her little daughter cowering before Archie’s violence.
“Archie, that’s enough,” said Riley quietly.
Archie stared back at him, as though working out whether to challenge him or not. Riley raised one eyebrow, staring steadily back at the boy. Archie’s body sagged as his anger ebbed away. “Sorry.”
“You should apologise to your brother. Alfie isn’t a cheat,” said Riley.
“Sorry Alfie.”
Alfie looked intensely sad. His brother never used to behave like this and he was all too aware it was because of the trauma their dead dad had put them all through and he did his best to understand, but sometimes it was hard. Eventually he said, “it’s okay. You want to get some snack with us?”
/> Alfie broke into a reluctant smile. “Yeah, crisps.”
“Yay,” cheered Archie, his tantrum entirely forgotten. “Race you.”
Alfie and Holly allowed him to get into the kitchen first simply to keep the peace before following him in. Beth felt so bad for Alfie, he had so much weight on his ten year old shoulders and not for the first time she silently cursed her dead husband.
“He’ll be fine,” said Riley, putting his arm around Beth.
“I hope so,” she sighed into his shoulder. She feared what she’d do with Archie once Riley had returned to his unit. Her little slice of heaven was going to quickly descend into hell.
“Jules, visitor,” called Anita, a cute twenty-something with short, spiky dark hair, nose pierced, tattoo sleeves up both arms. She was also a very talented artist, which was why Jules had hired her to help out at the tattoo studio, located right next door to the gym owned by Mikey. Thanks to Jules’s own excellent reputation as a tattoo artist business was booming.
“Tell them I’ll be there in five,” she called back. “I can’t leave Kenny here with a bare bell end,” she said before pushing the needle through the delicate foreskin. Kenny’s eyes bulged and he released a shriek of pain. “It’s alright, almost there,” she said. The needle erupted through the other side of the skin and Kenny released a groan and sagged back in the chair, sweating. “I just need to put the jewellery in now,” she said, expertly threading through the ring. “There Kenny mate, all done.” She patted the dazed man on the shoulder. “I’ve got a visitor, Anita will finish you off, so to speak.”
She pulled off the latex gloves and tossed them into a bin. After washing her hands Jules walked through to reception and smiled. “Dane Black. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”
Dane seemed to fill the small reception area, broad shoulders blocking out the light. “I didn’t expect to be here but we need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Is there somewhere more private we can go?”
“Told you I was irresistible,” she grinned.
“It’s not that. I’ve got something to tell you.”
“Like I haven’t heard that old chestnut before.”
“Jules, I’m serious. You need to know this.”
“We can talk here, my next appointment isn’t due for another ten minutes, unless you want to see Kenny and his amazing jewelled nob.”
“Here will be fine,” he said, pulling a face. “Someone just tried to fuck over one my deliveries.”
“Delivery? Cake? Flowers?”
“Stop fucking about, I’m seriously pissed off,” he growled.
Jules knew when to stop larking about and she recognised now was that time. “You mean, the product?” Dane and his crew were the main suppliers for methamphetamine in the city, under the umbrella of the Maguires.
“I take it the culprits are six feet under?”
“No, we’re not animals but they are currently enjoying the finest healthcare Manchester has to offer and they will be for weeks to come.”
“Did they give anything up?”
“Yeah. They swore no mastermind was behind it, it was just a band of drugged-up fuckwits who thought they might try their luck. Apparently the Starklaws have been mouthing off about how Jez and Mikey are finished and they’re going to be the next kings of Manchester. They were too scared to take them on directly so they thought they’d have a go at me instead. The Starklaws’ big fucking gobs are going to get them into a shit heap of trouble.”
“This is how it always starts.”
“How what starts?”
“War. Pricks with a death wish start trying their luck. It means everyone thinks we’re weak.”
“Word’s spread about the attack on Mikey’s bookies and Jez’s garage and they’ve not retaliated for it yet.”
“We’re still looking for Nilsen, he’s gone to ground like the coward he is. Why have you come to me with this anyway? Go to Mikey or Jez.”
“I’m not setting foot in the compound.”
“Afraid you won’t come out alive?”
“Plenty haven’t and Mikey is still pissed off at me for not telling him about my relationship with you.”
“That’s history, he’s over that for God’s sake. Stop being a wussy and go and see him.”
“I am not going to the compound,” he insisted. “I’m not an idiot.”
“Then call him. I don’t know what you expect me to do, I’m just a humble grunt and I’m busy, I do have a business to run.”
“So you’re not going to tell him?”
“Do it yourself or if you’re worried go to Jez instead. He’s a bit more laid back than Mikey and you have a history with Ryan.” The door opened and Jules smiled. “And here’s my next appointment.”
Jackson Driscoll, mixed martial arts champion and Jules’s on-off lover, walked in.
“Hi Jax,” smiled Jules.
“Hi sweetheart,” he smiled back.
“Sweetheart,” snorted Dane. “Obviously you don’t know her.”
Jax contented himself with throwing him a glower. “I’m here for my appointment.”
“How could I forget?” she said. “Come through to the back.”
“Excuse me, we were talking,” scowled Dane.
“And I told you what to do, so go do it. I don’t know what else you want from me,” said Jules.
“Is this bloke bothering you?” frowned Jax.
Dane turned on him and the two men squared up to each other. Jules took a moment to admire these two powerful males butting heads over her.
Their attention was drawn by a small, skinny man limping out of one of the back rooms, looking pale and ill.
“Alright Kenny? How are you feeling?” said Jules cheerfully.
“Skewered,” was his reply. He tugged his wallet out of his jean’s pocket and winced. “Ow.”
“Don’t worry Kenny, the missus is going to love it.”
“She’d bloody better,” he muttered, handing over his credit card.
While Jules processed the payment, Jax and Dane continued to glare at each other, both aware of the other’s history with Jules, while Kenny shivered and shook.
“There you go Kenny. Enjoy,” she said, handing the card back. “Has Anita explained about the aftercare?”
“Yeah. Now I need a lie down,” he said, shuffling to the door.
“What’s up with him?” said Jax when he’d gone.
“I stuck a dirty great needle through his cock,” she replied with relish.
“And probably enjoyed it while you did it,” said Dane.
“How well you know me,” she grinned. “Ready to come through to the back Jax?”
“I am,” he said eagerly.
“But…,” began Dane.
“For God’s sake, stop being so helpless,” snapped Jules. “You’re Dane Black, sort it out yourself.”
With that she disappeared into a back room with Jax, leaving him to seethe. Anita regarded him warily. “Anything I can help you with?”
“No,” he said, glaring at the closed door before storming out.
“So Jax, are we still going with the grim reaper on your chest?” said Jules as he settled himself into the chair.
“And you filled out all the paperwork with Anita?”
“It’s all done and dusted.”
“Alright, get your top off then.”
His eyes on hers, he whipped off the t-shirt and cast it aside. Jules turned away, trying not to think about all those bulging muscles and smooth golden skin. “Been on the sunbed again?”
“I’m flattered you noticed.”
“You are such a girl.”
“You know I’m all man sweetheart.”
Images of him in the ring battering the crap out of his opponents flicked through her mind but she pushed them aside. She really, truly liked this man and she was all too aware that he wanted he
r for much more than casual sex but she couldn’t do that to him. He was good and decent and she wouldn’t ruin him by dragging him into her world.
She picked up the rubbing alcohol, took a deep breath and turned to face him, steeling herself against the sight of that delectable body. As she started to rub the gel into his chest he released a small sigh of pleasure.
“Stop it,” she said.
“Stop what?”
“Trying to turn me on.”
“I’m not. I’m just here for a tattoo,” he said innocently.
“Then you won’t mind Anita doing it.”
“I want you to do it.”
“Because you’re the better artist.”
She frowned down at him suspiciously. “I’m here to work, that’s all.”
“I know.”
His grin was so charming she couldn’t resist it and she smiled back before producing a razor.
“I was waxed yesterday,” he said.
“There you go again, being all manly. But I have to make sure there aren’t any fine hairs left behind, they’ll ruin it.”
His eyes remained locked on her as she worked. She applied soap and water to that strapping chest, preparing it for the stencil to be applied, the sight of all those wet muscles almost too much and she hastily tore her gaze away.
“Why do you insist on keeping your distance from me?” he said as she turned her back on him.
“For your sake,” was her reply. “Believe me, it’s not for mine.” She thought of all the terrible things she’d done, Jax had always had the unnerving habit of giving her a conscience. “I’ll get Anita to do your tattoo because I can’t.”
Strong arms wrapped themselves around her and she found herself spun round and pulled down on top of all those muscles she’d been trying so hard to avoid.