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Hunted Page 6
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Page 6
“I’m coming home for a bit,” he said.
Her heart leapt. “When?”
“In five days. I’ve got some leave to use up before I leave the army for good. I think my commanding officer’s a bit pissed off at me for resigning.”
“And you’re still sure it’s what you want to do?”
She smiled at the determination in his voice.
“How are the kids doing?” he said.
“Holly and Alfie are okay considering but Archie’s still acting up.”
“You won’t have to deal with him alone for much longer.”
Beth felt like crying. His words meant the world to her. “Are you sure you want to take on all of us? It’s not going to be easy.”
“Nothing worth having ever is.”
“You are so sweet.”
“I have my moments. I’ve got to go. If I e-mail you my flight details can I be really cheeky and ask you to pick me up from Manchester Airport?”
“That would be absolutely no problem,” she said, almost breathless at the thought of seeing him again. “Will you want to stay here or do you want your own space?”
“The whole point of this trip is to see you so…”
“You can stay here,” she blurted out. Beth cringed. Why couldn’t she be cool and aloof?
“Thank you. Perhaps…in your bed?”
He sounded uncertain of himself, uncertain of her reaction and she realised he was feeling his way through their new relationship as much as she was. “If you like,” she replied in what she hoped was a femme fatale way.
“I would. Very much.”
“Me too,” she said, beaming broadly. The memory of the one time they’d had sex after Mikey and Amber’s wedding played itself out in her mind. It had been so passionate and exciting. She could barely wait.
They said their goodbyes, which were so full of promise, then reluctantly hung up. Beth prayed she was doing the right thing and that this time she’d finally found the right man. It worried her what her children’s reactions would be to Riley’s presence in the house. They’d taken to Nick easily enough so she hoped they’d do the same with Riley. Perhaps a dominant male in the house who Archie could look up to might be just what her son needed.
From upstairs there was an almighty bang then the sound of the two boys arguing. Beth closed her eyes and thought of Riley. She could only hope.
When Ryan entered the beauty salon he and Rachel owned he didn’t get the usual flirtatious response from Tracey Baxter, the manageress. Instead she looked at him solemnly with sad, haunted eyes.
“Can I talk to you?” he said.
She nodded and led him through to her office at the back, Ryan dodging women with weird creams on their faces or with their hair wrapped in towels. On his way through he waved to Daina and Sabine, the two Latvian girls he’d rescued from a brothel in Manchester. Sabine’s sister Laila had died saving Rachel from Alex’s own brothel and they’d taken Sabine and her friend under their wings as it was the only recompense they could give. Both of them were very fond of the girls and Daina, a beautiful, big, bubbly girl, was involved in a solid relationship with Bruiser. The girls waved back, both very happy in their new lives.
“Is it my brother under your annex?” said Tracey the second he’d closed the door. Tracey’s brother Luke was one of the missing men and had disappeared five years ago, leaving his sister in torment.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know. The police won’t tell me anything.”
“You can get them to tell you, you have money and influence.” When he looked shocked she closed her eyes and shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
“The police really don’t know yet. It’ll take time.”
“I thought that was why you were here, to tell me Luke had finally been found. You know I’m hoping it is him, then it’ll be over. We’ll know where he is, we can bury him. It’ll be such a relief.”
“I can only imagine. Actually, I wondered if you’d tell me about Luke’s disappearance?”
“You took my suggestion then?” Tracey had suggested to him once that someone with power and influence should look into the disappearances and Ryan had decided she was right.
“Yes, which is more than the police are doing. Apparently one body doesn’t constitute a serial killer.”
“Do they know how the body died?”
“They’re waiting for the post mortem results. I wondered if you could give me more details about the circumstances of his disappearance and more background of his life.”
“If it’ll help?”
“Maybe it will,” he said gently.
Tracey dabbed at her watery eyes with a tissue. “Okay then.”
“Sit down,” he said, leading her to the chair behind her desk. “Can I get you a glass of water?”
“No thank you. I’m fine,” she said, taking a deep, shuddering breath.
“You told me before he was a paramedic?”
“Yes, a good one. He enjoyed helping people. Ever since he was little that was what he wanted to do, work in the medical profession. But sometimes he took things to heart.”
“In what way?”
“Once he attended the scene of a road traffic accident. A little boy died. There was nothing Luke could have done to save him but he brooded over it for days. He really cared.”
“He…sounds very nice,” said Ryan feeling a little bit like a fish out of water. Sensitive and delicate wasn’t really his area. Maybe he should have asked Rachel to do this?
“He was lovely,” she continued wistfully.
“What did he enjoy doing, apart from his work?” he prompted when she lapsed into silence.
“He was a gym fanatic. When he wasn’t working or spending time with his family he could be found there.”
“What did he do at the gym exactly?”
“Just worked out with weights and he took a judo class.”
“So he was physically fit and strong?”
“Very. He was competitive too, which was one reason why he took up judo.”
“Any other hobbies?”
“No, he didn’t have time. Oh wait, he did like to go walking on the moor. He lived for his wife Jasmine and his son Brandon.” Tracey dabbed at her eyes again. “Brandon was three when his dad disappeared. He’s seven now and he asks about him regularly. What can we tell him?” she said helplessly.
“That must be very awkward,” he said, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. He couldn’t stand all this emotion and tears. “Do Jasmine and Brandon still live in the family home?”
“No. She couldn’t afford to keep it on after Luke went missing. They live in a small flat now, they lost their beautiful home. She wanted to keep it too because she said it would be better for Luke if he came home to familiarity. She’s never lost hope that he’s alive out there somewhere.”
“But you’re sure he’s dead?”
“Nothing would keep Luke from his wife and little boy. Nothing, except death.”
“Did he know any of the other missing men?”
“When was the last time he was seen?”
“He left home at half seven the evening of the fifteenth of August two thousand and nine for his judo class. He never got there.”
“Did anyone see him on the way there?”
“Did he drive or walk?”
“Walk. He always walked, he said it warmed him up before class.”
“Did he take the same route every time?”
“Yes, through the park.”
“Could you write down the exact route he took?”
Tracey nodded, took a pad and pen off her desk and jotted down the directions. Ryan accepted the piece of paper from her, folded it up and slipped it inside his jacket pocket to give to Battler later.
“What happened to Luke’s things?” he said.
“Jasmine put everything into storage, she couldn’t bear to part with any of it. Me, m
y mum and dad and Jasmine have looked through it all dozens of times but we never found anything useful.”
“Maybe a fresh pair of eyes might help? Would you give your permission for Battler and Bruiser to look through it? Something that looks innocent to you might tell them something.”
“By all means, let them. I meant it when I said I’ll do anything to help find Luke.”
“Thank you Tracey. I think that’s all I need for now.”
“You’ve done more than the police ever did. Wait, don’t open the door yet. Let me sort my face out.” She got up to peer into a mirror hanging on the wall. Ryan patiently waited while she touched up her make-up and ran her fingers through her hair. “There, all better.”
Ryan couldn’t help but admire her as she flung the door to her office wide open and strode out confidently, back to her usual flirtatious self.
“Thank you Ryan for going over the books, I always feel better after you’ve run your fingers through my pink flimsies.”
Sensing the amused glances Ryan kept his head down as he made for the exit. Few people had the ability to fluster him but unfortunately she was one of them. Still, it just went to prove Tracey’s flirting and confidence was all a front to stop everyone seeing the pain inside.
Just as he jumped back into his Range Rover his mobile phone rang.
“Hello Battler.”
“We’ve found out who built the original annex at your place, we’re going to talk to them. Want to come?”
“Do I ever. Give me the address,” said Ryan, starting the engine.
The headquarters of the Kerrell Group was a huge complex in the town of Torquay. Ryan entered its massive tinted glass frontage accompanied by Battler and Bruiser.
“We’ve an appointment to see Mr Kerrell at eleven thirty,” Battler told the prim-looking middle aged receptionist, glasses perched precariously on the end of her nose.
She looked down that long thin nose at him and smiled with shocking lasciviousness. “Of course Sir. You may go straight up.”
“Thank you sweetheart,” he said, returning her smile.
“I think someone’s got a fan,” said Ryan as they made their way towards the lift, the receptionist’s eyes riveted on Battler.
“I can turn on the charm when I want to. I bet she’s a right goer,” he grinned when they’d stepped into the lift and the doors had closed behind them. “I can picture her taking off those glasses and letting her hair down. I might get her number after.”
Bruiser held up his left hand and pointed to his fourth finger.
“That’s right, no wedding ring,” smiled Battler.
Ryan had never seen him so playful before. “Life in Devon seems to suit you,” he commented.
“It does that, it’s so much more relaxed,” replied Battler. “Bodies found under annexes and mad half-sisters aside.”
Bruiser nodded his agreement.
The lift doors opened to reveal a seemingly deserted corridor. The three of them stepped out and paused, looking up and down at the rows of closed doors, wondering where they should go next. They needn’t have worried. One of the doors at the end opened and a huge man appeared before them. He was big in every way - he must have been at least six foot two with a huge paunch overhanging his black trousers, the expensive shirt straining at the seams to contain him.
“Hello gentlemen, I’m Gerard Kerrell, I own this company” he said, extending his hand.
Ryan shook his hand firmly, trying not to grimace when he found it cold and clammy.
“Mr Law, I believe we met before at a charity auction in Exeter,” said Gerard amiably.
“That’s right, we did. You bid on a nice little cabin cruiser,” replied Ryan.
“Which you won. I hope you’re enjoying it?”
“Very much. It’s moored at Dartmouth. The kids love it.”
“Good, good. If you’ll come this way,” said Gerard, leading them into his office, which was large and extravagant with a good view of the Torquay United football ground. Not that Ryan was impressed, he loathed the game. Where was the fun in watching a bunch of overpaid, over-gelled prima donnas kicking a sphere of leather about? He’d never understand it.
“Drink gentleman?” offered Gerard.
All three refused.
Gerard was a strange looking man with his big round baby face, the flesh of his cheeks pink and wobbly but his small dark eyes were very serious and sparked with intelligence. He appeared disappointed that none of them wanted a drink and reluctantly replaced the whisky tumbler he’d been holding on the massive mahogany drinks cabinet.
“So, what can I do for you?” said Gerard, sinking into the huge leather chair behind his desk.
“We want to talk to you about the recent discovery the builders made on my property,” began Ryan.
“Excuse me?” he said, looking puzzled.
“The body.”
Gerard frowned at Battler. “You’re not here to discuss a business deal?”
Ryan shook his head.
“I was led to believe this meeting was to discuss a contract,” he said, directing his wrath at Battler.
“I’m sorry if that’s the impression you got Sir but it’s not the one I meant to give,” replied Battler.
“Why do you want to talk to me? I don’t know anything about it.”
“It was put there when your company were building the annex on my land,” said Ryan.
“Do you think I work on every site?” retorted Gerard, annoyed. “Course not. I have lots of people to do that for me so I don’t know what you want me to tell you. Anyway, I’ve already gone through all this with the police, so why are you here?”
“Because that body was on my property, near my family and I want to be sure they aren’t in any danger,” said Ryan.
“Why would they be in danger?” he said, genuinely puzzled.
“I’m a man who doesn’t take any chances.”
“What do you want from me? Nothing’s changed since I last spoke to the police. None of my staff have stepped up and said by the way Mr Kerrell, I killed someone seven years ago and stuffed them into the foundations of the annex we were building.”
Ryan rolled his eyes at this melodramatic display.
“We want to know who had access to that site,” said Battler.
“Everyone had access to that site,” he exclaimed. “If you hadn’t noticed the annex backed onto farmland and woodland. Anyone could have waited until my men had left for the day then snuck in and stuck that body in the wet concrete. The family who owned the house at the time could even have done it. Actually, if I were you I’d be looking closer at the Marsh’s, I wouldn’t put it past them.”
The Marsh’s were the family who owned the neighbouring farm, their land backed onto Ryan’s own.
“Now that’s very interesting, why do you say that?” said Ryan.
“You’re not from round here so you’ve probably not heard about Chris Marsh’s preferences.”
“What preferences?” said Ryan impatiently.
“He was questioned about the disappearance of Daniel Tebbs. Daniel was gay, he made no secret of it and Chris - even though he’s been married for years - likes the boys, especially young, attractive ones. He was interviewed by the police when Daniel was reported missing because he was the last one to see him alive. Apparently Daniel had gone to his house on the pretext of sorting Chris’s computer out. Then he vanished.”
Ryan had to give Gerard his due, he was good at the theatrics. He was telling his tale like it was a ghost story.
“Chris knew the Allingtons were having the annex put in, Christ, everyone did, they really did enjoy bragging,” continued Gerard. “It would have been easy for Chris to drag the body across his own land and dump it in the concrete of the foundations before it hardened.”
“You’ve thought about this a lot,” said Battler.
“I have ever since I heard that a body was discovered up at your place,” replied Gerard
, addressing Ryan. “Come on, everyone knows there’s something not right around here, despite what the police say. Everyone in the county will have their own theory.”
“So you think that body is Daniel Tebbs?” said Battler.
“It’s one possibility.”
“Chris Marsh is a good man,” said Ryan coldly. “The worst thing you’ve accused him of is being secretly gay.”
“Hey, I’ve nothing against gays,” said Gerard, holding out his hands. “It doesn’t bother me but his wife Angela is a sweet woman, she doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. We went to school together, she was always good to me.”
“You’ve no proof, it’s all supposition and gossip,” said Ryan, a bit annoyed. He liked Chris Marsh, he and his family had helped them out after the fire set by Alex had destroyed their home. They’d taken in all their animals and kept an eye on the place when they were in Manchester. He didn’t think it fair Gerard accuse him of not only cheating on his wife but murdering a man too with absolutely no proof. But then again, one thing Ryan had learnt the hard way was that you never really knew anyone, never could fully trust them. Every single person on the planet had a dark side.
“Did you know any of the men who disappeared?” Ryan asked Gerard.
“Just one, George Romer, the first one, but then I didn’t know him well. He worked for my company for a few months until he disappeared and I didn’t hire him, one of my foremen did. He was a good worker apparently, a real grafter. They’re rare these days,” he said wistfully. “Everyone wants something for nothing.”
“Could you give us the list of your staff who worked on the Allington annex?” said Battler.
“Why should I?” replied Gerard indignantly, sticking out his bottom lip, making him look even more childlike. “I’m happy to cooperate with the police but what authority do you have?”
“We’ve been engaged by one of the missing men’s families to look into the disappearance. That body could be their son. It would mean the world to them if you would cooperate with us too.”
“Oh…very well,” sighed Gerard. “But I’m really not supposed to give information like that out, it is confidential.”